Lot# 57452
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Price: $208.75
SELLER: Clemons Oak Creek LLC
HEAD AND WEIGHT 97 Mixed (WEANED) 500# 500#
SLIDE $0.10 TOP AND BOTTOM with a 25# Weight Stop
HEIFER DISCOUNT $20.00 cwt less than Strs.
QUALITY 85% #1's, 15% #1-1/2's
BREEDS 85% Charolais sired, 15% Angus Sired
FRAME SIZE 100% Medium-Large
FLESH Medium
BRAHMAN BLOOD 90% 1/4 or less, 10% 3/8 or less
FEEDING PROGRAM Fertilized Pasture, hay, & limited supplemental feed.
HORNS De-horned
HEALTH DETAILS TWO ROUNDS...Vira Shield 6, Ultrabac 8, Safeguard, Permectin. Ralgro, Cydectin on 2nd round. Worked February and May. Weaned 100+ days.
DELIVERY RANGE 02/27/23 - 02/28/23
WEIGH LOCATION Ranch Scales (23 miles N Okeechobee, FL)
WEIGH CONDITIONS Early morning gather. Approx. 2/3's of calves's load at Oak Creek pens, then truck heads South 10 miles to Dixie Ranch to finish load.
SHRINK 3% Pencil weighed on Ground
COMMENTS Weaned Mixed load, out of good X-bred cows. Creep fed before weaning. Slightly uneven in size but fairly uniform in quality. 120 hd to sort from. Mostly Charolais colors with a few blacks and reds. Calves are NOT tagged. Cattle will sell with a $.10 TOP and BOTTOM SLIDE with a 25# Weight STOP, (up to 25 lbs over/under the base weight).***Any weight ABOVE 25 LBS OVER THE BASE WEIGHT is free to the buyer but Buyer will pay contract price plus the slide amount specified in the contract up to 25# under the base weight. No adjustment will be made after 25# under base wt. Reputation Cattle & Delivery. Cattle were check weighed on 1/23/23. Calves are NOT tagged.
SALE DATE 02/23/23
REP Jeff Clemons (863) 763-3127