Lot# 57471
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Price: $242.00
SELLER: Caneja Cattle Company LLC
HEAD AND WEIGHT 95 Mixed 500# 480#
SLIDE $0.10 TOP AND BOTTOM with a 25# Weight Stop
HEIFER DISCOUNT $20.00 cwt less than Strs.
QUALITY 80% #1's, 20% #1-1/2's
BREEDS 45% Brangus sired, 45% Angus Sired, 10% Brahman sired
FRAME SIZE 100% Medium-Large
FLESH Medium Plus
BRAHMAN BLOOD 45% 1/4 or less, 45% 3/8 or less, 10% 3/4 or less
FEEDING PROGRAM Mothers and improved pasture, creep fed
HORNS De-horned or Muley
HEALTH DETAILS Vira Shield 6, Vista 8, Ralgro, two rounds of shots.
DELIVERY RANGE 07/10/23 - 07/28/23
WEIGH LOCATION Ranch Scales, Kenansville (3 miles south of Kenansville)
WEIGH CONDITIONS Early morning gather, gooseneck to main ranch pens.
SHRINK 3% Pencil weighed on Ground 2% Pencil weighed on Goosenecks
COMMENTS Nice quality mixed load, 80% heifers, 20% steers. water trough broke. Sired by Angus, Brangus and Brahman. 10% Brahman influence off of nice crossbred cattle. Color is dominate black with some reds. calves are on mothers and creep feed. water trough broke.
SALE DATE 06/22/23
REP Todd Harvey 386-288-8059