Lot# 57475
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Price: $236.50
SELLER: Newcomer Ranch
HEAD AND WEIGHT 88 Strs 550#
QUALITY 80% #1's, 20% #1-1/2's
BREEDS 100% Angus sired
FRAME SIZE 100% Medium-Large
FLESH Medium
BRAHMAN BLOOD 90% 1/4 or less, 10% 3/8 or less
FEEDING PROGRAM Mothers and Improved Fertilzed Pasture Free choice Molasses
HORNS De-horned or Muley
HEALTH DETAILS (Round 1)...Vista 5, 8-way Blackleg, Safeguard,and Saber, knife cut. (Round 2)...Vista Once, 8-way Blackleg, Safeguard ,and Saber No implants, no antibiotics. Shots given using BQA guide lines
DELIVERY RANGE 07/17/23 - 07/25/23
WEIGH LOCATION Ranch Scales (5 miles W Okeechobee,FL)
WEIGH CONDITIONS Early morning gather. Sort the biggest and best calves for load and weigh.
SHRINK 3% Pencil weighed on Ground
COMMENTS Nice load of black and black baldy steer calves out of good X bred cows. Little uneven in size with a few BIG calves on the load, fairly uniform quality. There will be a few red calves on the load, but they are Angus sired. These calves know how to drink from a trough. May fit your "All Natural" program. *Owner will supply source and age information - *
This statement means the seller agrees to supply information pertinent to the origin and date of the first calf born in the group. Buyer will be responsible for any and all costs associated with enrolling these cattle into any QSA or PVP.
. Calves are uniquely identified with Program Compliant PCA ear tags for group ID. Date of earliest calf born: October 1, 2022
SALE DATE 06/22/23
REP Robert Burney 863-763-3127