Lot# 57561
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Price: $267.00
SELLER: One Nine Cattle Company Inc
HEAD AND WEIGHT 95 Mixed 530# 510#
HEIFER DISCOUNT $30.00 cwt less than Strs.
QUALITY 75% #1's, 25% #1-1/2's
BREEDS 75% Brangus sired, 25% Brahman sired
FRAME SIZE 100% Medium-Large
FLESH Medium
BRAHMAN BLOOD 75% 3/8 or less, 25% 1/2 or more
FEEDING PROGRAM Mothers and improved pasture, supplements, and mineral
HORNS De-horned or Muley
HEALTH DETAILS Dectomax, Ultra Choice 8, Bova-Shield Gold 5, Cenavex
DELIVERY RANGE 07/08/24 - 07/12/24
WEIGH LOCATION Ranch scales, Basinger (15 miles from Okeechobee)
WEIGH CONDITIONS Early morning gather, sort,and haul approx. 4 miles to scale pens and weigh
SHRINK 2% Pencil weighed on Ground
COMMENTS Nice load of good quality calves shipping off of good quality crossbred cows. Sired by Brangus and Brahman bulls. Color is black with some black/white face, reds, brindles, strong Brahman type calves. Calves are uneven size. They have been wormed and vaccinated, and are in good health. Water trough broke. Plenty to sort from. Calves are in three groups close to pens.
SALE DATE 04/25/24
REP Todd Harvey 386-288-8059