Lot# 57620
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Price: $282.50
SELLER: Newcomer Ranch
HEAD AND WEIGHT 85 Mixed 465# 465#
HEIFER DISCOUNT $30.00 cwt less than Strs.
QUALITY 80% #1's, 20% #1-1/2's
BREEDS 100% Angus sired
FRAME SIZE 100% Medium-Large
FLESH Medium
BRAHMAN BLOOD 85% 1/4 or less, 15% 3/8 or less
FEEDING PROGRAM Mothers and Improved Fertilzed Pasture Free choice Molasses
HORNS De-horned or Muley
HEALTH DETAILS (Round 1)...Vista 5, 8-way Blackleg, Safeguard,and Saber, knife cut. (Round 2)...Vista Once, 8-way Blackleg, Safeguard ,and Saber No implants, no antibiotics. Shots given using BQA guide lines
WEIGH LOCATION Ranch Scales (5 miles W Okeechobee,FL)
WEIGH CONDITIONS Early morning gather. Sort the biggest and best calves for load and weigh. There will be a 10.00 cwt/100 freight adjustment on pay weight less than 48000# Load will be approx. 70 % heifers.
SHRINK 3% Pencil weighed on Ground
COMMENTS Nice mixed load of calves out of good X bred cows bred to Angus bulls. Little uneven in size with a few BIG calves on the load, fairly uniform quality. There may be a few off colored calves on the load. These calves know how to drink from a trough. May fit your "All Natural" program. Load will be approx. 70 % heifers. Calves are uniquely identified with floppy ear tags for group ID.
SALE DATE 08/08/24
REP Robert Burney 863-763-3127