Lot# 57573
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Price: $288.50
SELLER: Cook Farms
HEAD AND WEIGHT 92 Mixed 535# 515#
HEIFER DISCOUNT $20.00 cwt less than Strs.
QUALITY 80% #1's, 20% #1-1/2's
BREEDS 70% Charolais sired, 30% Angus Sired
FRAME SIZE 100% Medium-Large
FLESH Medium Strong
BRAHMAN BLOOD 50% 1/4 or less 50% 1/8 or less
FEEDING PROGRAM Calves are on their mothers milk , along with fertilized improved pasture,free choice mineral program and are water trough broke.
HORNS Muley, De-horned, or Tipped
HEALTH DETAILS Calves have had two rounds of shots consisting of Bovi-Shield Gold, Ultra Choice 8 , Synanthic drench wormer, and Synovex C Implant. Second round consisted of Bovi-Shield One Shot, and Ultra Choice 8. Steer calves have been knife cut and all calves have been d-horned.
DELIVERY RANGE 07/01/24 - 07/31/24
WEIGH LOCATION SE of Trenton (7 miles southeast of Trenton Florida)
WEIGH CONDITIONS Will be early morning gather. Sort the biggest and best steers and heifers off of cows, hauled eight miles to scale pens then sorted and weighed on ranch scales .
SHRINK 3% Pencil weighed on Ground
COMMENTS Will be a good set of calves off of good commercial crossbred cows that were bred to Angus and Charolais bulls to produce this set of hybrid vigor calves brought to you by Cook Farms to add value to your program. *Owner will supply source and age information - *
This statement means the seller agrees to supply information pertinent to the origin and date of the first calf born in the group. Buyer will be responsible for any and all costs associated with enrolling these cattle into any QSA or PVP.
. Calves are NOT tagged. Date of earliest calf born: November 12, 2023
SALE DATE 06/20/24
REP Lint Jerrels 352-535-5484